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- Open banking is the banking method of the future — but what exactly is it?
The banking industry has long been separated by departmental silos and a lack of collaboration between businesses. Open banking strives to change that by providing financial institutions and businesses with the opportunity to share data between themselves with the consent of their customers. One major advantage open banking presents is an enhanced ability to work with and understand Big Data. As open banking grows in popularity, financial institutions can offer far more personalized and improved services to customers, boosting their competitive edge along the way. Open banking is the banking method of the future — but what exactly is it? #openbanking
- According to Edelman’s “Trust Barometer”, one in three people don’t trust their employer.
To fix this and begin building trust in the organization, leaders must give employee’s a voice, create a company culture with open and transparent communication, and practice authentic and approachable leadership. Promoting trust in the workplace leads to employees that are 23% more likely to offer more ideas and solutions, experience 74% less burnout and a 50% increase in productivity. Written by Cesar Cotait Kara José #trust #leadership #buildingtrust
- Developing a change mindset is crucial for today’s leaders.
In the past, the approach was always to focus on managing change. Instead, we need to be leading it. Leading an organization with a change mindset is about envisioning and driving business solutions, not just implementing it. It enables your team to think differently, to focus on what can and should be different instead of adopting an already determined solution. Adopting this mindset will allow leaders to see change as an opportunity, not a threat and drive their team to success. Written by Cesar Cotait Kara José #changemindset #leadership
- Financial Industry Customer Expectations
A survey conducted by The Financial Brand found that 52% of customers expect companies to always personalize offers and that 66% of customers expect companies to understand their unique needs and expectations. Financial institutions need to start personalizing their offers in order to meet customer expectations. The combination of data and AI will be the important differentiator that will allow financial institutions to understand their customers, based on their daily lives and changes in their financial profile – providing them an intelligent experience. Written by Cesar Cotait Kara José #ai #customerservice #bankingtrends22
- People / Pessoas
In terms of attracting candidates, the recruitment and selection methodologies must be able to get very close to the results of the skills analysis such as interpersonal communication, proactivity, ability to work under pressure, conflict resolution, analytical capacity, among others. Within the scope of employee retention, the definition of benefits must be considered not only the quantitative part, but also highlight in the qualitative part the skills that make the professional an important asset for the company. No âmbito da atração de candidatos, as metodologias de recrutamento e seleção devem ser capazes de chegar muito próximo a resultados de análise de habilidades como comunicação interpessoal, proatividade, capacidade de trabalhar sob pressão, resolução de conflitos, capacidade analítica, dentre outros. No âmbito da retenção de colaboradores, a definição dos benefícios deve ser considerada não somente a parte quantitativa, mas também ressaltar na parte qualitativa as habilidades que tornam o profissional um ativo importante para a empresa. Written by Cesar Cotait Kara José
- Soft Skills
Paradigm changes in modern corporations regarding the way to qualify employees and candidates have culminated in changes in methodologies and benefit and bonus systems. More and more I see companies valuing socio-behavioral skills, soft skills, and less easy to verify qualifications in a Curriculum vitae, hard skills, which have always been highly valued. Mudanças de paradigmas nas corporações modernas em relação a maneira de qualificar colaboradores e candidatos culminaram em mudanças de metodologias e sistemas de benefícios e bonificações. Cada vez mais vejo as empresas valorizando as habilidades sociocomportamentais, soft skills, e menos as qualificações fáceis de verificar em um Curriculum vitae, hard skills, que sempre foram muito valorizadas. Written by Cesar Cotait Kara José
- People / Pessoas
I see that in the sectors where I work as an executive or advisor that knowledge, creativity, innovation, collaboration and emotional intelligence when well developed really put people in a strategic position in the business environment. People with the ability to solve complex problems, with critical thinking, who use their creativity, emotional intelligence for decision making have stood out in these segments. The search for this type of professional is intense and often a challenge for the company to attract and retain. Vejo que nos setores onde atuo como executivo ou conselheiro que o conhecimento, criatividade, inovação, colaboração e inteligência emocional quando bem desenvolvidas realmente colocaram as pessoas em uma posição estratégica no ambiente de negócios. Pessoas com capacidade de resolver problemas complexos, com pensamento crítico, que utilizam de sua criatividade, inteligência emocional para a tomada de decisão tem se destacado nestes segmentos. A busca por este tipo de profissional é intensa e muitas vezes um desafio para a empresa atrair e reter. Written by Cesar Cotait Kara José
- Metal Health after COVID / Saúde Mental pós COVID
The Covid-19 pandemic has rocked all industries, resulting in massive changes in environments and work-related stress. As a result, employees' mental health has gone through a roller coaster of emotions, with many not feeling supported by their employers. As we emerge from this pandemic environment, it is important that companies rethink their own practices to support the mental health of their employees. Getting back to normal will take time and it's crucial that companies provide the understanding and resources to keep their employees healthy. A pandemia de Covid-19 abalou todas as indústrias, resultando em enormes mudanças nos ambientes e estresse relacionado ao trabalho. Como resultado disso, a saúde mental dos colaboradores passou por uma montanha russa de emoções, com muitos não se sentindo apoiados por seus empregadores. Enquanto emergimos deste ambiente de pandemia, é importante que as empresas examinem suas próprias práticas para apoiar a saúde mental de seus colaboradores. Voltar ao normal levará tempo e é crucial que as empresas forneçam compreensão e recursos para manter seus colaboradores saudáveis. Written by Cesar Cotait Kara José @Metal Health @Saúde Mental @Covid
- In the last five years, Latin America has experienced a great advancement in the digital banking and
In 2019, VC investment in fintech startups in Latin America totaled $2.1 billion, a growth of 690% over the past five years. In Latin America, around 40% of the population is unbanked, there is a 75% mobile penetration and local states have been pushing consumers away from their reliance on cash. This means that millions of potential customers are simply a few clicks away. What do you think the future holds for the Fintech and Digital Banking industry in Latin America? Written by Cesar Cotait Kara José #cpqi #fintechlatinamerica #latinamerica
- Managers of the twenty first century have had to adapt their leadership style to fit into a world wh
Managers have had to move away from traditional methods and implement models in which they can give support and guidance in the place of instructions – making sure that employees learn to adapt to constantly changing environments. In short, managers have had to assume the role of coaches inside a company. Coach-Managers ask questions instead of providing answers, support instead of judging and encourage development instead of simply dictating instructions. Written by Cesar Cotait Kara José #coach #coachmanager
- Many people use the words ‘skill’ and ‘competency’ interchangeably, even though they mean different
A skill is a specific learning ability needed to perform a job well. Competencies are the knowledge and behaviors that lead people to be successful in a job. To be a competent person, you need to have the attitude, the skills, and the knowledge. If you are missing any of these, you will not be competent. Written by Cesar Cotait Kara José #compentency #competencies2021
- Creating an organizational learning culture can be an investment – but it’s one that pays off
It ensures that your company remains flexible and adaptable, and providing your people with training and career development opportunities ultimately increases employee engagement and productivity. Some steps leaders can take to develop a learning culture inside their organization include developing personalized learning plans for their employees, encouraging knowledge sharing within the company and creating meaningful training programs that make employees feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. Written by Cesar Cotait Kara José #learningculture #organizationalculture